Brooklyn, NY

maker/writer/book enthusiast


a charismatic art educator, sneaker enthusiast, and Beyonce believer

Yearbook Photo ; )

Yearbook Photo ; )


Elle was born in Pittsburgh, PA. She bakes pies of the fruit variety, and enjoys close proximity to bodies of water. Elle better known as Ms. Sauer (‘sour’), is currently a New York City Public School Art Educator in Brooklyn. She is constantly learning new things from her students, who she adores, respects, and loves unconditionally. Ms. Sauer graduated in 2017 with her M.A. in Art Education from the City College of New York. She is the co-founder of Young Artist Zine Alliance, a free, yearly art making workshop offered to NYC teens at The City College of New York. She is her school’s liaison for community partnerships such as Inside Broadway CASA Program and Groundswell Mural Program. Her students artwork has been displayed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Brooklyn Children’s Museum and Lehman College. Elle has presented at The National Art Education Association Annual Conference. Additionally she has worked as a studio assistant for several of NYC's most established artists as well as exhibited her own work across the USA and internationally. She believes art is a powerful tool of expression for youth that should be accessible to all.  

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